The Needy Girl Boss Sings 'Vacation All I Ever Wanted! Vacation How to Get Away' 🌴
Also birthday shout out to Ma Dukes 👑 🎂
Summertime T is ready to emerge, much like the cicadas. (And damn you, The Messenger for deleting your whole site so I cannot link back to my banger article from earlier this year…).
Six hours until I put my out-of-office message up in my work e-mail and Slack.
I start this post with 12 days left until my 36th birthday and I have been feeling…meh. Meh. Not horrible, not great, just meh. Fortunately, Ramona feels the same way.
It’s not just that I am tired — I don’t take unemployment as a vacation, and let’s get real, it’s not — that’s why I have been partially packed since last weekend for this upcoming girls’ beach trip to beautiful Hilton Head Island, SC this weekend with my dear mother and sister. It shall be grand.
One good thing that’s happened this week
So y’all know I am a diesel mechanic’s spoiled girlfriend, right? That storyline continues because he gave me one of my birthday presents early.
If this is the only thing I get, I’ll be more than pleased. He’s so sweet to me 😘
Dear Momma 👑
This cleaner version of The Needy Girl Boss is dedicated and in tribute to my momma. Y’all know how much I love my momma.
Let me tell you how dope my momma is: she had a Coca-Cola fridge full of my favorite beer at my graduation party. Yuengling and PBR for DAYS. My cousins were taking 6-packs home with their plates.
You’re probably wondering “Jesus, does her momma read this Substack?” You GD right she does, and she gives feedback over FaceTime. Swear. This is the relationship we have.
Momma has been a rock in my life. She’s overcome so much and always comes out on top, better for it, or both. If you ever meet my momma, I will make total sense.
Everything I am and everything I have been able to accomplish has been because of this woman. My resolve comes a very distant second. Even in high school, I told my friends “Y’all need a Dawna Lynn in y’alls lives because I can’t (LIKE sneak out. Like hell!).” My adult friends know her by her first and middle name because that’s how I describe her.
My love of celebrating things big and small comes from her. I wish I could bake like her. Moreover, I wish every day I was as strong as she is. A lot of people would have crumbled under the weight of life, but my momma never did. Even on her worst day, she’s the best mother on Earth.
If I make it and I am half the woman my momma is (or my sister, for that matter), I’ll know I’ve made it.
So thank you for always cheering me on and being the best. I know I haven’t been the easiest to deal with. But I am thankful for everything you’ve given and continue to give myself, my siblings, your niece (shout out to Autumn!), and your grandchildren (shout out to my nephew, Kash, and my niece, Lauren).
I love you, momma, <3
This song is dedicated to my momma, for all of the reasons you think it’s dedicated to her 😉
T’s Mood Right Now 🧠
Getting back to work now ✌🏾
P.S.: PSA 📢: You ✨ officially ✨ have 12 shopping days until my birthday. 😌 If you want to gift me anything, I have wish lists on Amazon, Discogs, and Etsy. I am currently into books, vinyl, and pro-wrestling t-shirts. 😘
P.S.S. This is officially the song of the summer. Thank you, Kendrick/Drake beef.
The way this song has entered my psyche…
OK, really. Going back to work ✌🏾